This year (2024), I decided I want to spend some time every week writing something. In the past, I used to write a bit, just because it felt good to do, but I’ve felt like I’ve stopped writing a lot as time went on, as I’ve had more things to do, and less energy to spend on writing. I’ve also felt that my quality of writing has degraded, when I used to be able to make natural jokes and write in a clear concise style, but now it feels closer to a shitty powerpoint. This may be due in part to having to write stiffly for academic papers, and lack of practice on informal writing. To become less shitty, I’ve decided that just spitting out lots of bad writing may eventually help fix my writing. I also reserve the write to do something creative other than writing (I’ve been eye-ing some map brushes to make some fun maps).
I also don’t mind if no one reads these writings because ultimately this writing ain’t for y’all 0 people who are reading. It’s for improving that 1 thing that someone may read in 10 years. Ultimately, this is for my own enjoyment, but if I can make my writing more funny to read or it is somehow informative to you, feel free to reach out! Or, if you have any suggestions about what to write about, let me know, because I’m already starving for ideas. You can tell from this, which is already a meta article on writing because I had no other thoughts.
That being said, I don’t want everything I write to be about programming, since there’s already infinite blogs to read about that. Instead, I want to write about things I haven’t written about much before, like living conditions in different cities, food, or sports. Hopefully, a large diversity will make it enjoyable to write (and read, maybe). With all that said, I look forward to this year of slapping more words onto a page, and learning to slap them better. Look forward to next weeks!